Winston Shrout in Australia

Posted: July 31, 2014 in Uncategorized

Hello all – a last minute notice about Winston’s upcoming Australian seminars.

The Queensland workshop is, as stated below, an advanced workshop for those who are familiar with the basics of Winston’s technologies although

the evening talks on the 8th and 11th of August are general content lectures for anyone who has an interest in Winston’s insights into the state of affairs across

the globe and the strategies he has developed for self empowerment and taking control of the contracts that control our lives.

There is also a seminar being held in Melbourne this weekend (1st- 3rd August) which is an entry level introduction to this material



Winston Shrout Advanced Workshop August 2014.
GREAT NEWS!! Winston is coming back to Australia in August!

For those who have expressed their interest in the Winston Shrout Advanced Workshop on the Sunshine Coast, Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of August 2014.

If you have not already done so, please confirm your attendance as soon as possible as the number is limited to 30 people only.

COST; $800 with a $500 deposit, Evening talks on the 8th and 11th of August at no extra cost for workshop attendees and morning tea and lunch provided.

LOCATION: Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

Advanced Subjects to be covered will succeed the previous two Australian workshops and further contributions are welcome.

Anyone interested in connecting with others for shared accommodation please let me know.

Kind regards,
Sarah Wales

UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES; in the unforeseen event that this seminar is cancelled and made impossible to hold due to circumstances beyond our control including acts of god, disaster, government regulations, strikes, civil disaster or weather related emergencies; or it becomes necessary to adjust the event and presentation format due to any of the above conditions; BEADS/WSSIC reserves the right to decide at that time to either hold the event in the adjusted format, postpone the event or offer a credit or refund to registrants.

DISCOUNT; special coupons and purchase promotions DO NOT APPLY to this event.

REFUND; Because of the rare nature of this event, all tuition purchases are non-refundable.

For further enquiries for the Winston Shrout two day workshop please contact;
Mob: 61 (0) 415484504

An Initial Post

Posted: December 31, 2013 in Uncategorized

Greetings to all of you who are following this blog – and thank you.

We are a group of students of this commercial / sovereignty information located in Queensland, Australia.

Initially this blog site was set up to facilitate communication between us and instead became more of an online location for directing people to various resources that we have found helpful. The amount of visits to the site from around the world are evidence that there is a need for this type of information assimilation.

Having studied and tested this material in detail for a few years now, I would like to personally offer any insights gleaned from experiences over that time if it will benefit anyone seeking knowledge in this area.

I commit here to share with you over the course of a few blogs some successes, some failures and perhaps most importantly how to hold a position – how to stand in our power through controlling our contracts.

For this post, the message I would like to share is networking. Find people in your area that you can meet with and discuss this material – it probably won’t be your family, or even your friends. More people are becoming aware of the deception every day and the true remedy will come through the power of the people. The changes we need to see in our world will not come from the top down. Unless every one of us steps up and takes responsibility for our actions we are getting exactly what we agree to.

Our group started with one little notice on a community noticeboard – now we are  in contact with like minded people across Australia and around the world.

More posts to follow and links to many other teachers and info sources.

Regards, Mark.

Welcome to United Collective, a project to create awareness of what the position of true freedom means through a conscious effort to accept responsibility with care and respect.